
Pastors & Department Leaders

Pastor Chris & Sue McDonald

Head Pastors

Chris and Sue McDonald have been the Pastors of Life in Christ Church since August 2008. After accepting the call to ministry in 2000, Chris and Sue with their daughter Erin, moved to Amarillo, Texas. While there, they studied ministry and served on several different teams. Amarillo is where they each found their passion and became leaders in their areas of interest.
In June of 2008, they felt that God was calling them back to Kentucky to Pastor Life in Christ Church and to raise up a generation of believers. When God spoke to them, he told them “The land is yours…go and possess it!”, so that is what they have set out to do. They believe that everyone was born with a call and a purpose and that with the right tools, everyone can discover what that purpose is.
Pastor Chris and Sue were married in October of 1991. Their daughter Erin and her husband Kris have blessed them with three beautiful granddaughters, Elise, Sadie, and Hallie.

Chris & Heather Penn

Growth Track

Chris and Heather Penn were married in October of 2011. They have three boys, Gage, Gavin, and Christian. Heather has been a part of Life in Christ since 1990, and Chris since 2006. They both have served in many different ministries before leading Growth Track and Small Groups. Chris and Heather believe that you will find joy in discovering your gifts, and then you can use those gifts to bring joy to others by serving in the church and your community. Despite where you may have been in life, they believe everyone has a purpose to fulfill, because what truly matters is where you’re going. 

Stephanie Vinson

Children's Church Director

Stephanie Vinson and her family have attended Life in Christ since 2009. She and her husband, Michael have one daughter, Grace. Stephanie has worked in the Children's department since 2014. She believes you are never too young to learn about Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him. She prays our kids come to know Christ at an early age, learn their purpose, and start on their journey of fulfilling that purpose. Her vision is to help the kids do this in a fun and safe atmosphere. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6